Marquenol’s Story
How did I come to be at Dr. Coffee’s clinic? If I try to tell you how I was then, you wouldn’t even believe me.
You’d have to see it to believe it. I spent more than three months unable to even turn over in bed.
After trying several remedies for me, everyone judged it necessary for my papa to take me to the doctor, and my papa didn’t hesitate, he took me that very same day. I was making so much noise at the neighborhood hospital which I arrived, even myself I thought I was going to die because of the state I was in. And when the doctors at the hospital came over to see why I was making so much noise, they saw that my case was too advanced for that hospital, and they put me in an ambulance and sent me to the General Hospital. As soon as I arrived, as soon as I appeared, they didn’t waste any time with me because I was so gravely ill, they let me right in, and they did everything that was necessary for me. After they transferred me to Dr. Coffee, as soon as I got to the front of the door, I had no idea what was going on, because I had passed out. It wasn’t until the eighth day that I recognized people again, and I was delirious, too.
There were a lot of people at the hospital who were frightened of me, and they thought I was going to die, too. But thanks to God, that didn’t happen.
Dr. Coffee took very good care of me, she always gave me a little food even though at the beginning I wouldn’t eat anything, but after I while, I started to get manage to eat. What I like most about the doctor is that as soon as she arrives in the morning she must come see us, to see how we spent the night. And whenever one of the patients calls her, she’s always ready to come help that person.
One of the things Dr. Coffee did for me that I will never forget is time time when there was tear gas in the air. If it weren’t for Dr. Coffee I wouldn’t be alive today.
I wouldn’t have gotten to meet you, to be able to tell you this story I am telling you now…
Lynsa’s Story
I arrived at Ti Kay May 10, 2010, gravely ill. I didn’t even weigh 30 kg.
I was in such a critical state that everyone thought my life was over.
But luckily, Dr. Coffee was in Haiti at that time and she helped me a lot. She’s not only my doctor, she became a friend and a mentor to me. That’s really what she is for all the patients. Beyond medications, she helped us financially, which was important because when I was at Ti Kay, I had just lost my whole family in the earthquake. That’s why, anyone who is helping Dr. Coffee do her work, we thank them in advance because Dr. Coffee has saved the lives of hundreds of people.
James’ story
This Christmas, James arrived as Santa for the patients. He brought cans of a drink that nursed him back to health when he’d been hospitalized on Christmas in 2011.
“On the 23rd of September, 2011 I was near death.
I spent the night going everywhere looking for a hospital to save me.
The first hospital I went to gave me meds, but they were not strong enough for me, I went to 3 hospitals before ending up at HUEH. They put me in a chair and I waited for death to arrive. They decided to send me to Dr. Megan Coffee at the TB ward. There I finally found people who really cared about my life. They took me in and gave me a bed. I was given food to help with my healing. They gave me the right medications for my particular kind of TB.
I was taught all about my medications, why I needed to take them, and what they did for me.
I had to take a lot of medications everyday for two years as well as an injection daily for nine months but today I can smile again with my daughter. I got married and now I ‘m going to have another child.
Now that I see the TB ward is closed it makes me sad for those who are still really sick. They need someone to watch over them, to help them like they did for me. We really need Dr. Coffee in Haiti. Please help support the work of Ti Kay.”